
Estimated and checked against the book:


options(mc.cores = 4)

Section 14.1: Varying slopes by construction

# Simulation code from McElreath's replication files
a <- 3.5            # average morning wait time
b <- (-1)           # average difference afternoon wait time
sigma_a <- 1        # std dev in intercepts
sigma_b <- 0.5      # std dev in slopes
rho <- (-0.7)       # correlation between intercepts and slopes
Mu <- c( a , b )
cov_ab <- sigma_a*sigma_b*rho
Sigma <- matrix( c(sigma_a^2,cov_ab,cov_ab,sigma_b^2) , ncol=2 )
sigmas <- c(sigma_a,sigma_b) # standard deviations
Rho <- matrix( c(1,rho,rho,1) , nrow=2 ) # correlation matrix
Sigma <- diag(sigmas) %*% Rho %*% diag(sigmas)
N_cafes <- 20
set.seed(5) # used to replicate example
vary_effects <- mvrnorm( N_cafes , Mu , Sigma )
a_cafe <- vary_effects[,1]
b_cafe <- vary_effects[,2]
N_visits <- 10
afternoon <- rep(0:1,N_visits*N_cafes/2)
cafe_id <- rep( 1:N_cafes , each=N_visits )
mu <- a_cafe[cafe_id] + b_cafe[cafe_id]*afternoon
sigma <- 0.5  # std dev within cafes
wait <- rnorm( N_visits*N_cafes , mu , sigma )
d <- data.frame( cafe=cafe_id , afternoon=afternoon , wait=wait )

stan_data <- compose_data(d,
                          n_cafe = n_distinct(cafe))

stan_program <- "
data {
  int n;
  int n_cafe;
  int cafe[n];
  vector[n] afternoon;
  vector[n] wait;
parameters {
  vector[n_cafe] a_cafe;
  vector[n_cafe] b_cafe;
  real a;
  real b;
  vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_cafe;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
  corr_matrix[2] Rho;
model {
  vector[n] mu;
  vector[2] YY[n_cafe];
  vector[2] MU;
  Rho ~ lkj_corr(2);
  sigma ~ exponential(1);
  sigma_cafe ~ exponential(1);
  a ~ normal(5, 2);
  b ~ normal(-1, .5);
  MU = [a, b]';
  for (j in 1:n_cafe) {
    YY[j] = [a_cafe[j], b_cafe[j]]';
  YY ~ multi_normal(MU, quad_form_diag(Rho, sigma_cafe));
  mu = a_cafe[cafe] + b_cafe[cafe] .* afternoon;
  wait ~ normal(mu, sigma);

m14.1 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)

datplot <- m14.1 %>% 
           spread_draws(Rho[i, j]) %>%
           filter(i == 1, j == 2)

ggplot(datplot, aes(Rho)) +
    geom_density() +
    xlim(-1, 1) +

Section 14.2: Advanced varying slopes

stan_data <- read.csv('data/chimpanzees.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             mutate(treatment = 1 + prosoc_left + 2 * condition) %>%
             rename(block_id = block) %>%
             compose_data(n_treatment = n_distinct(treatment),
                          n_actor = n_distinct(actor),
                          n_block_id = n_distinct(block_id))

stan_program <- "
data {
    int n;
    int n_treatment;
    int n_actor;
    int n_block_id;
    int pulled_left[n];
    int actor[n];
    int treatment[n];
    int block_id[n];
parameters {
   vector[n_treatment] g; 
   vector[n_treatment] alpha[n_actor];
   vector[n_treatment] beta[n_block_id];
   vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_actor;
   vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_block;
   corr_matrix[4] Rho_block;
   corr_matrix[4] Rho_actor;
model {
    // probability model
    vector[n] p;
    for (i in 1:n) {
        p[i] = g[treatment[i]] + 
               alpha[actor[i], treatment[i]] + 
               beta[block_id[i], treatment[i]];
        p[i] = inv_logit(p[i]);
    pulled_left ~ binomial(1, p);

    // adaptive priors
    beta ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, 4),
                        quad_form_diag(Rho_block, sigma_block));
    alpha ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, 4),
                         quad_form_diag(Rho_actor, sigma_actor));

    // fixed priors
    g ~ normal(0, 1);
    Rho_actor ~ lkj_corr(4);
    Rho_block ~ lkj_corr(4);
    sigma_actor ~ exponential(1);
    sigma_block ~ exponential(1);

m14.2 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
stan_program <- "
data {
    int n;
    int n_treatment;
    int n_actor;
    int n_block_id;
    int pulled_left[n];
    int actor[n];
    int treatment[n];
    int block_id[n];
parameters {
   matrix[n_treatment, n_actor] z_actor;
   matrix[n_treatment, n_block_id] z_block;
   vector[n_treatment] g; 
   vector<lower=0>[n_treatment] sigma_actor;
   vector<lower=0>[n_treatment] sigma_block;
   cholesky_factor_corr[n_treatment] L_Rho_block;
   cholesky_factor_corr[n_treatment] L_Rho_actor;
transformed parameters {
   matrix[n_actor, n_treatment] alpha;
   matrix[n_block_id, n_treatment] beta;
   beta = (diag_pre_multiply(sigma_block, L_Rho_block) * z_block)';
   alpha = (diag_pre_multiply(sigma_actor, L_Rho_actor) * z_actor)';
    vector[n] p;
    L_Rho_block ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 );
    sigma_block ~ exponential( 1 );
    L_Rho_actor ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 );
    sigma_actor ~ exponential( 1 );
    g ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    to_vector( z_block ) ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    to_vector( z_actor ) ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        p[i] = g[treatment[i]] + alpha[actor[i], treatment[i]] + beta[block_id[i], treatment[i]];
        p[i] = inv_logit(p[i]);
    pulled_left ~ binomial( 1 , p );

m14.3 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)

Section 14:3: Instruments and causal designs

Zero true effect of E is confounded:

N <- 500
U_sim <- rnorm( N )
Q_sim <- sample( 1:4 , size=N , replace=TRUE )
E_sim <- rnorm( N , U_sim + Q_sim )
W_sim <- rnorm( N , U_sim + 0*E_sim )
stan_data <- list(
    W = as.vector(scale(W_sim)),
    E = as.vector(scale(E_sim)),
    Q = as.vector(scale(Q_sim)),
    N = N)

stan_program <- '
    int N;
    vector[N] W;
    vector[N] E;
    vector[N] Q;
parameters {
    real aW;
    real bEW;
    real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
    vector[N] mu;
    mu = aW + bEW * E;
    W ~ normal(mu, sigma);
    aW ~ normal(0, .2);
    bEW ~ normal(0, .5);
    sigma ~ exponential(1);

m14.4 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: b8d8e6ada6a8cab508e36362af82a73b.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##          mean se_mean   sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff Rhat
## aW       0.00    0.00 0.04   -0.08   -0.03    0.00    0.03    0.08  4217    1
## bEW      0.40    0.00 0.04    0.32    0.37    0.40    0.42    0.48  4243    1
## sigma    0.92    0.00 0.03    0.86    0.90    0.92    0.94    0.98  4165    1
## lp__  -208.65    0.03 1.25 -212.03 -209.17 -208.33 -207.76 -207.26  1637    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:06:36 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).

Controlling for the instrument leads to disaster:

stan_program <- '
    int N;
    vector[N] W;
    vector[N] E;
    vector[N] Q;
parameters {
    real aW;
    real bEW;
    real bQW;
    real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
    vector[N] mu;
    mu = aW + bEW * E + bQW * Q;
    W ~ normal(mu, sigma);
    aW ~ normal(0, .2);
    bEW ~ normal(0, .5);
    bQW ~ normal(0, .5);
    sigma ~ exponential(1);

m14.5 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: 0b298bbe5324e0c5b8bf0765a24bb583.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##          mean se_mean   sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff Rhat
## aW       0.00    0.00 0.04   -0.07   -0.03    0.00    0.03    0.07  4348    1
## bEW      0.64    0.00 0.05    0.54    0.61    0.64    0.67    0.73  3274    1
## bQW     -0.41    0.00 0.05   -0.50   -0.44   -0.41   -0.37   -0.31  3282    1
## sigma    0.86    0.00 0.03    0.80    0.84    0.86    0.87    0.91  3696    1
## lp__  -174.78    0.03 1.43 -178.47 -175.51 -174.45 -173.72 -173.01  2156    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:07:00 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).

Instrumental variable model:

stan_program <- "
    int N;
    vector[N] W;
    vector[N] E;
    vector[N] Q;
parameters {
    real aE;
    real aW;
    real bEW;
    real bQE;
    corr_matrix[2] Rho;
    vector<lower=0>[2] Sigma;
model {
    vector[2] MU[N];
    vector[2] YY[N];
    vector[N] mu_w;
    vector[N] mu_e;
    Sigma ~ exponential(1);
    Rho ~ lkj_corr(2);
    bQE ~ normal(0, .5);
    bEW ~ normal(0, .5);
    aW ~ normal(0, .2);
    aE ~ normal(0, .2);
    for (j in 1:N) {
        mu_w[j] = aW + bEW * E[j];
        mu_e[j] = aE + bQE * Q[j];
    for (j in 1:N) {
        MU[j] = [mu_w[j], mu_e[j]]';
        YY[j] = [W[j], E[j]]';
    YY ~ multi_normal(MU, quad_form_diag(Rho, Sigma));

m14.6 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: 71bdd2016392874668569b15b3f87a44.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##             mean se_mean   sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff
## aE          0.00    0.00 0.04   -0.07   -0.02    0.00    0.02    0.07  2719
## aW          0.00    0.00 0.04   -0.09   -0.03    0.00    0.03    0.09  2858
## bEW        -0.05    0.00 0.08   -0.20   -0.10   -0.05    0.00    0.10  1843
## bQE         0.59    0.00 0.04    0.52    0.56    0.59    0.61    0.66  2658
## Rho[1,1]    1.00     NaN 0.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00   NaN
## Rho[1,2]    0.54    0.00 0.05    0.43    0.51    0.54    0.58    0.63  1830
## Rho[2,1]    0.54    0.00 0.05    0.43    0.51    0.54    0.58    0.63  1830
## Rho[2,2]    1.00    0.00 0.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00  3152
## Sigma[1]    1.02    0.00 0.05    0.94    0.99    1.02    1.05    1.12  1905
## Sigma[2]    0.81    0.00 0.03    0.76    0.79    0.81    0.83    0.86  3095
## lp__     -319.77    0.05 1.88 -324.17 -320.79 -319.44 -318.39 -317.13  1686
##          Rhat
## aE          1
## aW          1
## bEW         1
## bQE         1
## Rho[1,1]  NaN
## Rho[1,2]    1
## Rho[2,1]    1
## Rho[2,2]    1
## Sigma[1]    1
## Sigma[2]    1
## lp__        1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:08:03 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).


stan_data <- kl_dyads %>%
             compose_data(n_households = max(hidB))

stan_program <- "
data {
  int n;
  int n_households;
  int hidA[n];
  int hidB[n];
  int giftsAB[n];
  int giftsBA[n];
  int did[n];
    real a;
    vector[2] gr[n_households];
    corr_matrix[2] Rho_gr;
    vector<lower=0>[2] sigma_gr;
    matrix[2,n] z;
    cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Rho_d;
    real<lower=0> sigma_d;
transformed parameters{
    matrix[n,2] d;
    d = (diag_pre_multiply(rep_vector(sigma_d, 2), L_Rho_d) * z)';
    vector[n] lambdaAB;
    vector[n] lambdaBA;
    sigma_d ~ exponential( 1 );
    L_Rho_d ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 8 );
    to_vector( z ) ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    sigma_gr ~ exponential( 1 );
    Rho_gr ~ lkj_corr( 4 );
    gr ~ multi_normal( rep_vector(0,2) , quad_form_diag(Rho_gr , sigma_gr) );
    a ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        lambdaBA[i] = a + gr[hidB[i], 1] + gr[hidA[i], 2] + d[did[i], 2];
        lambdaBA[i] = exp(lambdaBA[i]);
        lambdaAB[i] = a + gr[hidA[i], 1] + gr[hidB[i], 2] + d[did[i], 1];
        lambdaAB[i] = exp(lambdaAB[i]);
    giftsBA ~ poisson( lambdaBA );
    giftsAB ~ poisson( lambdaAB );
m14.7 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
summary(m14.7, c('Rho_gr', 'sigma_gr'))$summary
##                   mean      se_mean           sd       2.5%        25%
## Rho_gr[1,1]  1.0000000          NaN 0.000000e+00  1.0000000  1.0000000
## Rho_gr[1,2] -0.4111751 4.412742e-03 1.998837e-01 -0.7545967 -0.5567989
## Rho_gr[2,1] -0.4111751 4.412742e-03 1.998837e-01 -0.7545967 -0.5567989
## Rho_gr[2,2]  1.0000000 1.357080e-18 8.307332e-17  1.0000000  1.0000000
## sigma_gr[1]  0.8301363 2.460774e-03 1.384679e-01  0.6005225  0.7313054
## sigma_gr[2]  0.4240175 2.219945e-03 9.392287e-02  0.2683883  0.3573198
##                    50%        75%      97.5%    n_eff      Rhat
## Rho_gr[1,1]  1.0000000  1.0000000 1.00000000      NaN       NaN
## Rho_gr[1,2] -0.4257099 -0.2800202 0.01769984 2051.813 1.0025037
## Rho_gr[2,1] -0.4257099 -0.2800202 0.01769984 2051.813 1.0025037
## Rho_gr[2,2]  1.0000000  1.0000000 1.00000000 3747.249 0.9989995
## sigma_gr[1]  0.8155139  0.9137535 1.13431459 3166.321 1.0003924
## sigma_gr[2]  0.4140459  0.4798694 0.63475491 1790.022 1.0011473

Section 14.5: Continuous categories and the Gaussian process

stan_data <- read.csv('data/Kline2.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             mutate(society = 1:10) %>%
             compose_data(Dmat = islandsDistMatrix)

stan_program <- "
// cov_GPL2 macro extracted from ulam object with get_stancode
    matrix cov_GPL2(matrix x, real sq_alpha, real sq_rho, real delta) {
        int N = dims(x)[1];
        matrix[N, N] K;
        for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
          K[i, i] = sq_alpha + delta;
          for (j in (i + 1):N) {
            K[i, j] = sq_alpha * exp(-sq_rho * square(x[i,j]) );
            K[j, i] = K[i, j];
        K[N, N] = sq_alpha + delta;
        return K;
data {
    int n;
    int total_tools[n];
    int population[n];
    int society[n];
    matrix[n, n] Dmat;
parameters {
    vector[n] k;
    real<lower=0> a;
    real<lower=0> b;
    real<lower=0> g;
    real<lower=0> etasq;
    real<lower=0> rhosq;
    vector[n] lambda;
    matrix[n, n] SIGMA;
    rhosq ~ exponential( 0.5 );
    etasq ~ exponential( 2 );
    a ~ exponential( 1 );
    b ~ exponential( 1 );
    g ~ exponential( 1 );
    SIGMA = cov_GPL2(Dmat, etasq, rhosq, 0.01);
    k ~ multi_normal( rep_vector(0,n) , SIGMA );
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        lambda[i] = (a * population[i]^b/g) * exp(k[society[i]]);
    total_tools ~ poisson( lambda );

m14.8 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
standardize <- function(x) as.vector(scale(x))
dat <- read.csv('data/Primates301.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             dplyr::select(name, mass = body, brain, group_size) %>%
             drop_na %>%
             mutate(mass = standardize(log(mass)),
                    brain = standardize(log(brain)),
                    group_size = standardize(log(group_size))) 
stan_data <- dat %>%
             compose_data(Dmat = diag(nrow(.)))

stan_program <- "
    int n;
    vector[n] mass;
    vector[n] brain;
    vector[n] group_size;
    matrix[n, n] Dmat;
    real a;
    real bG;
    real bM;
    real<lower=0> sigma_sq;
    vector[n] mu;
    matrix[n, n] S;
    sigma_sq ~ exponential( 1 );
    bM ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 );
    bG ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 );
    a ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    S = Dmat * sigma_sq;
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        mu[i] = a + bM * mass[i] + bG * group_size[i];
    brain ~ multi_normal( mu , S);

m14.9 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: e5533d130f00d9de12ae170795d08e10.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##            mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
## a          0.00    0.00 0.02  -0.04  -0.01   0.00   0.01   0.03  3581    1
## bG         0.12    0.00 0.02   0.08   0.11   0.12   0.14   0.17  3081    1
## bM         0.89    0.00 0.02   0.85   0.88   0.89   0.91   0.94  3081    1
## sigma_sq   0.05    0.00 0.01   0.04   0.04   0.05   0.05   0.06  3588    1
## lp__     151.67    0.03 1.39 148.21 150.98 151.97 152.69 153.42  1950    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:11:01 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).

tree_trimmed <- keep.tip( Primates301_nex, dat$name )
Rbm <- corBrownian( phy=tree_trimmed )
V <- vcv(Rbm)
Dmat <- cophenetic( tree_trimmed )

stan_data <- compose_data(dat,
                          V = V[dat$name, dat$name],
                          Dmat = V / max(V))

m14.10 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: e5533d130f00d9de12ae170795d08e10.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##            mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
## a         -0.19    0.00 0.17  -0.53  -0.31  -0.19  -0.08   0.14  3843    1
## bG        -0.01    0.00 0.02  -0.05  -0.03  -0.01   0.00   0.02  3513    1
## bM         0.70    0.00 0.04   0.63   0.68   0.70   0.73   0.77  3727    1
## sigma_sq   0.16    0.00 0.02   0.13   0.15   0.16   0.17   0.20  4018    1
## lp__     211.90    0.03 1.42 208.39 211.19 212.21 212.97 213.67  2061    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:11:44 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).
stan_program <- "
    matrix cov_GPL1(matrix x, real sq_alpha, real sq_rho, real delta) {
        int N = dims(x)[1];
        matrix[N, N] K;
        for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
          K[i, i] = sq_alpha + delta;
          for (j in (i + 1):N) {
            K[i, j] = sq_alpha * exp(-sq_rho * x[i,j] );
            K[j, i] = K[i, j];
        K[N, N] = sq_alpha + delta;
        return K;
    int n;
    vector[n] mass;
    vector[n] brain;
    vector[n] group_size;
    matrix[n,n] Dmat;
    real a;
    real bG;
    real bM;
    real<lower=0> etasq;
    real<lower=0> rhosq;
    vector[n] mu;
    matrix[n, n] SIGMA;
    rhosq ~ normal( 3 , 0.25 );
    etasq ~ normal( 1 , 0.25 );
    bM ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 );
    bG ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 );
    a ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    SIGMA = cov_GPL1(Dmat, etasq, rhosq, 0.01);
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        mu[i] = a + bM * mass[i] + bG * group_size[i];
    brain ~ multi_normal( mu , SIGMA );

stan_data$Dmat <- Dmat[dat$name, dat$name] / max(Dmat)
m14.11 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
## Inference for Stan model: 8ec0742bb698382a401b8633f29e61fd.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##         mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
## a      -0.07    0.00 0.07  -0.21  -0.12  -0.07  -0.02   0.08  4292    1
## bG      0.05    0.00 0.02   0.00   0.03   0.05   0.07   0.09  4438    1
## bM      0.83    0.00 0.03   0.78   0.81   0.83   0.85   0.89  4262    1
## etasq   0.03    0.00 0.01   0.02   0.03   0.03   0.04   0.05  3781    1
## rhosq   2.80    0.00 0.25   2.32   2.64   2.81   2.97   3.29  4214    1
## lp__  210.71    0.04 1.53 206.88 209.91 210.99 211.83 212.77  1737    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sat Aug  1 16:13:03 2020.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).