
Estimated and checked against the book:

Different results:


options(mc.cores = 4)

Section 12.1: Over-dispersed counts

Warning: I have not yet been able to replicate the ulam results for m12.1 in rstan.

stan_program <- '
data {
    int n;
    int applications[n];
    int admit[n];
    int gender[n];
parameters {
    vector[2] a;
    real<lower=0> phi;
transformed parameters {
    real theta;
    theta = phi + 2;
model {
    vector[n] pbar;
    phi ~ exponential(1);
    a ~ normal(0, 1.5);
    for (i in 1:n) {
        pbar[i] = a[gender[i]];
        pbar[i] = inv_logit(pbar[i]);
    admit ~ beta_binomial(applications, pbar * theta, (1 - pbar) * theta);
generated quantities {
    real da;
    da = a[1] - a[2];

stan_data <- read.csv('data/UCBadmit.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             rename(gender = applicant.gender) %>%
             mutate(gender = ifelse(gender == 'female', 2, 1)) %>%

m12.1 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data, iter = 5000, 
              control = list(adapt_delta = .95))
summary(m12.1, c('a', 'phi'))$summary
##             mean   se_mean        sd       2.5%        25%        50%       75%
## a[1]  0.03838894 0.9139069 1.3252213 -2.4734278 -0.5980206 0.23252638 0.9699306
## a[2] -0.24229634 1.0034895 1.4513773 -2.5466493 -1.4998133 0.06501208 1.1753202
## phi   1.35550266 0.4571877 0.9687508  0.2375496  0.5852012 0.99577804 2.0409857
##         97.5%    n_eff     Rhat
## a[1] 1.880505 2.102679 7.213213
## a[2] 1.409781 2.091871 5.906272
## phi  3.445442 4.489883 1.788069
stan_data <- read.csv('data/Kline.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             mutate(logpop = standardize(log(population))) %>%
             compose_data(n_contact = n_distinct(contact))

stan_program <- "
    int total_tools[10];
    int population[10];
    int contact[10];
    vector[2] a;
    vector<lower=0>[2] b;
    real<lower=0> g;
    real<lower=0> phi;
    vector[10] lambda;
    phi ~ exponential( 1 );
    g ~ exponential( 1 );
    b ~ exponential( 1 );
    a ~ normal( 1 , 1 );
    for ( i in 1:10 ) {
        lambda[i] = exp(a[contact[i]]) * population[i]^b[contact[i]]/g;
    total_tools ~ neg_binomial_2( lambda , phi );
m12.2 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
summary(m12.2, c('a', 'b', 'phi', 'g'))$summary
##           mean     se_mean         sd        2.5%       25%       50%       75%
## a[1] 1.0473810 0.021443773 0.94511985 -0.80883614 0.4340131 1.0365129 1.6850529
## a[2] 0.8963278 0.018600123 0.83486702 -0.71463409 0.3480698 0.9090939 1.4549253
## b[1] 0.2604337 0.003157677 0.13075554  0.02941905 0.1605860 0.2596623 0.3534109
## b[2] 0.2475842 0.002473933 0.09984088  0.05146194 0.1811474 0.2474376 0.3100577
## phi  3.6667090 0.039209148 1.67825227  1.18066075 2.4716135 3.4023163 4.6141558
## g    1.0611297 0.019256332 0.87058932  0.13563939 0.4560126 0.8137217 1.4010581
##          97.5%    n_eff     Rhat
## a[1] 2.9075997 1942.546 1.003003
## a[2] 2.5134734 2014.666 1.001967
## b[1] 0.5213364 1714.687 1.002796
## b[2] 0.4537079 1628.700 1.001702
## phi  7.5075099 1832.060 1.003350
## g    3.4023922 2043.994 1.000075

Section 12.2: Zero-inflated outcomes

prob_drink <- .2
rate_work <- 1
n <- 365
drink <- rbinom(n, 1, prob_drink)
y <- (1 - drink) * rpois(n, rate_work)

stan_data <- list(y = y, n = length(y))

stan_program <- "
data {
    int n;
    int y[n];
parameters {
    real ap;
    real al;
model {
    real p;
    real lambda;
    p = inv_logit(ap);
    lambda = exp(al);
    ap ~ normal(-1.5, 1);
    al ~ normal(1, .5);
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        if (y[i] == 0)
            target += log_mix( p , 0 , poisson_lpmf(0 | lambda) );
        if (y[i] > 0)
            target += log1m( p ) + poisson_lpmf(y[i] | lambda );
m12.3 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
summary(m12.3, c('al', 'ap'))$summary
##          mean     se_mean         sd       2.5%         25%         50%
## al  0.0109337 0.002489699 0.08774037 -0.1645018 -0.04919428  0.01217841
## ap -1.2783034 0.009979309 0.35100669 -2.0992802 -1.46883873 -1.23371035
##           75%      97.5%    n_eff      Rhat
## al  0.0720189  0.1778382 1241.953 1.0005837
## ap -1.0311268 -0.7270489 1237.171 0.9995458

Section 12.3: Ordered categorical outcomes

stan_data <- read.csv('data/Trolley.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             compose_data(k = n_distinct(response) - 1)

stan_program <- "
data {
    int n;
    int k;
    int response[n];
parameters {
    ordered[k] cutpoints;
model {
    for (i in 1:n) {
        response[i] ~ ordered_logistic(0, cutpoints);
    cutpoints ~ normal(0, 15);
m12.4 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
stan_data <- read.csv('data/Trolley.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             compose_data(k = n_distinct(response) - 1)

stan_program <- "
data {
    int n;
    int k;
    int response[n];
    int action[n];
    int intention[n];
    int contact[n];
parameters {
    ordered[k] cutpoints;
    real bA;
    real bI;
    real bC;
    real bIA;
    real bIC;
model {
    vector[n] BI;
    vector[n] phi;
    for (i in 1:n) {
        BI[i] = bI + bIA * action[i] + bIC * contact[i];
        phi[i] = bA * action[i] + bC * contact[i] + BI[i] * intention[i];
        response[i] ~ ordered_logistic(phi[i], cutpoints);
    cutpoints ~ normal(0, 15);
    bA ~ normal(0, .5);
    bI ~ normal(0, .5);
    bC ~ normal(0, .5);
    bIA ~ normal(0, .5);
    bIC ~ normal(0, .5);
m12.5 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
datplot <- m12.5 %>%
           gather_draws(bA, bI, bC, bIA, bIC) %>%

ggplot(datplot, aes(y = .variable, x = .value, xmin = .lower, xmax = .upper)) +
    geom_pointrange() +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 'dotted')

Section 12.4: Ordered categorical predictors

stan_program <- '
    int n;
    int response[n];
    int contact[n];
    int intention[n];
    int action[n];
    int edu_new[n];
    vector[7] alpha;
    ordered[6] kappa;
    real bE;
    real bC;
    real bI;
    real bA;
    simplex[7] delta;
    vector[n] phi;
    vector[8] delta_j;
    delta ~ dirichlet( alpha );
    delta_j = append_row(0, delta);
    bA ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    bI ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    bC ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    bE ~ normal( 0 , 1 );
    kappa ~ normal( 0 , 1.5 );
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        phi[i] = bE * sum(delta_j[1:edu_new[i]]) + 
                 bA * action[i] + 
                 bI * intention[i] + 
                 bC * contact[i];
    for ( i in 1:n ) response[i] ~ ordered_logistic( phi[i] , kappa );

stan_data <- read.csv('data/Trolley.csv', sep = ';') %>%
             # ordered education levels
             mutate(edu_new = factor(edu, levels = c("Elementary School",
                                                     "Middle School",
                                                     "Some High School",
                                                     "High School Graduate",
                                                     "Some College",
                                                     "Bachelor's Degree",
                                                     "Master's Degree",
                                                     "Graduate Degree"))) %>%
            compose_data(alpha = rep(2, 7))

m12.6 <- stan(model_code = stan_program, data = stan_data)
summary(m12.6, c('bE', 'bC', 'bI', 'bA', 'delta'))$summary
##                 mean      se_mean         sd         2.5%         25%
## bE       -0.31466345 0.0043757177 0.16834789 -0.675920028 -0.41764204
## bC       -0.95724293 0.0008955266 0.05068350 -1.058917578 -0.99092317
## bI       -0.71761851 0.0006484496 0.03751921 -0.792554903 -0.74289110
## bA       -0.70586725 0.0007248147 0.04056351 -0.784698353 -0.73361235
## delta[1]  0.22572949 0.0029095910 0.13761260  0.026230428  0.11903511
## delta[2]  0.14284329 0.0014032959 0.08746129  0.020022979  0.07680229
## delta[3]  0.19475894 0.0018826557 0.10841821  0.033478261  0.11027181
## delta[4]  0.16942198 0.0016805074 0.09647420  0.024985339  0.09668394
## delta[5]  0.04352034 0.0012670003 0.05185546  0.003628401  0.01593960
## delta[6]  0.09814597 0.0011301656 0.06529187  0.014291132  0.05059393
## delta[7]  0.12557999 0.0011845177 0.07546800  0.019498693  0.06898606
##                  50%         75%        97.5%    n_eff      Rhat
## bE       -0.30516717 -0.20576328  0.006266416 1480.188 1.0017980
## bC       -0.95692838 -0.92196319 -0.861506461 3203.142 0.9998047
## bI       -0.71695203 -0.69218772 -0.645612145 3347.765 0.9997348
## bA       -0.70596323 -0.67902477 -0.626449932 3131.966 0.9997095
## delta[1]  0.20266165  0.31337551  0.542845855 2236.930 0.9999760
## delta[2]  0.12641848  0.19081885  0.351299209 3884.484 1.0003031
## delta[3]  0.18036704  0.26367469  0.437345817 3316.368 0.9991919
## delta[4]  0.15650149  0.22718468  0.393230762 3295.654 1.0005179
## delta[5]  0.02888079  0.05198047  0.188774507 1675.080 1.0003732
## delta[6]  0.08472289  0.13159884  0.264602857 3337.598 0.9995975
## delta[7]  0.11090345  0.16833402  0.308565547 4059.220 0.9994046