gasmileageR Documentation

Gas mileage of four models of car


Gas mileage of four models of car




A data frame with two columns and eleven rows:


Mileage obtained


Four types of car models


y <- c(22, 26,  28, 24, 29,   29, 32, 28,  23, 24)
xx <- c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4)
# Plot the observations 
plot(xx, y, col="red", pch="*", xlab="Model", ylab="Mileage")
# Method1: Hand calculation 
ni <- c(2, 3, 3, 2)
means <- tapply(y, xx, mean)
vars <- tapply(y, xx, var)
round(rbind(means, vars), 2)
sum(y^2) # gives 7115
totalSS <- sum(y^2) - 10 * (mean(y))^2 # gives 92.5 
RSSf <- sum(vars*(ni-1)) # gives 31.17 
groupSS <- totalSS - RSSf # gives 61.3331.17/6
meangroupSS <- groupSS/3 # gives 20.44
meanErrorSS <- RSSf/6 # gives 5.194
Fvalue <- meangroupSS/meanErrorSS # gives 3.936 
pvalue <- 1-pf(Fvalue, df1=3, df2=6)

#### Method 2: Illustrate using dummy variables
#Create the design matrix X for the full regression model
g <- 4
n1 <- 2 
n2 <- 3
n3 <- 3
n4 <- 2
n <- n1+n2+n3+n4
X <- matrix(0, ncol=g, nrow=n)       #Set X as a zero matrix initially
X[1:n1,1] <- 1    #Determine the first column of X
X[(n1+1):(n1+n2),2] <- 1   #the 2nd column
X[(n1+n2+1):(n1+n2+n3),3] <- 1    #the 3rd
X[(n1+n2+n3+1):(n1+n2+n3+n4),4] <- 1    #the 4th 
####Fitting the  full model####
XtXinv <- solve(t(X)%*%X)
betahat <- XtXinv %*%t(X)%*%y   #Estimation of the coefficients
Yhat <- X%*%betahat   #Fitted Y values
Resids <- y - Yhat   #Residuals
SSE <- sum(Resids^2)   #Error sum of squares
S2hat <- SSE/(n-g)   #Estimation of sigma-square; mean square for error
Sigmahat <- sqrt(S2hat)

####Fitting the reduced model -- the 4 means are equal #####
Xr <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=n)
kr <- dim(Xr)[2]
Varr <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr)
hbetar <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr)%*%t(Xr)%*% y   #Estimation of the coefficients
hYr = Xr%*%hbetar   #Fitted Y values
Resir <- y - hYr   #Residuals
SSEr <- sum(Resir^2)   #Total sum of squares
####F-test for comparing the reduced model with the full model ####
FStat <- ((SSEr-SSE)/(g-kr))/(SSE/(n-g))  #The test statistic of the F-test
alpha <- 0.05
Critical_value_F <- qf(1-alpha, g-kr,n-g)  #The critical constant of F-test
pvalue_F <- 1-pf(FStat,g-kr, n-g)   #p-value of F-test

modelA <- c(22, 26)
modelB <- c(28, 24, 29)
modelC <- c(29, 32, 28)
modelD <- c(23, 24)

SSerror = sum( (modelA-mean(modelA))^2 ) + sum( (modelB-mean(modelB))^2 ) 
+ sum( (modelC-mean(modelC))^2 ) + sum( (modelD-mean(modelD))^2 )
SStotal <-  sum( (y-mean(y))^2 ) 
SSgroup <- SStotal-SSerror

#### Method 3: Use the  built-in function lm directly

aa <- "modelA"
bb <- "modelB"
cc <- "modelC"
dd <- "modelD"
Expl <- c(aa,aa,bb,bb,bb,cc,cc,cc,dd,dd)
Expl <- factor(Expl)
model1 <- lm(y~Expl)
###Alternatively ###

xxf <- factor(xx)
model2 <- lm(y~xxf)