emissions | R Documentation |
Nitrous oxide emission data
Nitrous oxide emission data
An object of class data.frame
with 54 rows and 13 columns.
Australian Traffic Accident Research Bureau @format A data frame with thirteen columns and 54 rows.
- Make
Make of the car
- Odometer
Odometer reading of the car
- Capacity
Engine capacity of the car
- CS505
A measurement taken while running the engine from a cold start for 505 seconds
- T867
A measurement taken while running the engine in transition from cold to hot for 867 seconds
- H505
A measurement taken while running the hot engine for 505 seconds
- ADR27
A previously used measurement standard
- ADR37
Result of the Australian standard ADR37test
- logCS505
Logarithm of CS505
- logT867
Logarithm of T867
- logH505
Logarithm of H505
- logADR27
Logarithm of ADR27
- logADR37
Logarithm of ADR37
rawdata <- emissions[, c(8, 4:7)]
# Fit the model on the raw scale
raw.lm <- lm(ADR37 ~ ADR27 + CS505 + T867 + H505, data=rawdata)
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
plot(raw.lm$fit, raw.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot")
qqnorm(raw.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2)
qqline(raw.lm$res, col="blue")
# summary(raw.lm)
logdata <- log(rawdata)
# This only logs the values but not the column names!
# We can use the following command to change the column names or you can use
# fix(logdata) to do it.
dimnames(logdata)[[2]] <- c("logADR37", "logCS505", "logT867", "logH505", "logADR27")
log.lm <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata)
plot(log.lm$fit, log.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot")
qqnorm(log.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2)
qqline(log.lm$res, col="blue")
log.lm2 <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata)
plot(log.lm2$fit, log.lm2$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot")
qqnorm(log.lm2$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2)
qqline(log.lm2$res, col="blue")
# Multicollinearity Analysis
mod.adr27 <- lm(logADR27 ~ logT867 + logCS505 + logH505, data=logdata)
summary(mod.adr27) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9936,
mod.t867 <- lm(logT867 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logCS505, data=logdata)
summary(mod.t867) # Multiple R^2 = 0.977,
mod.cs505 <- lm(logCS505 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logT867, data=logdata)
summary(mod.cs505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9837,
mod.h505 <- lm(logH505 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867, data=logdata)
summary(mod.h505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.5784,
# Variance inflation factors
vifs <- c(0.9936, 0.977, 0.9837, 0.5784)
vifs <- 1/(1-vifs)
#Condition numbers
X <- logdata
# X is a copy of logdata
X[,1] <- 1
# the first column of X is 1
# this is for the intercept
X <- as.matrix(X)
# Coerces X to be a matrix
xtx <- t(X) %*% X # Gives X^T X
eigenvalues <- eigen(xtx)$values
kappa <- max(eigenvalues)/min(eigenvalues)
kappa <- sqrt(kappa)
# kappa = 244 is much LARGER than 30!
### Validation statistic
# Fit the log.lm2 model with the first 45 observations
# use the fitted model to predict the remaining 9 observations
# Calculate the mean square error validation statistic
log.lmsub <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata, subset=1:45)
# Now predict all 54 observations using the fitted model
mod.pred <- predict(log.lmsub, logdata, se.fit=TRUE)
mod.pred$fit # provides all the 54 predicted values
logdata$pred <- mod.pred$fit
# Get only last 9
a <- logdata[46:54, ]
validation.residuals <- a$logADR37 - a$pred
validation.stat <- mean(validation.residuals^2)