bodyfat | R Documentation |
Body fat percentage data for 102 elite male athletes training at the Australian Institute of Sport.
Body fat percentage data for 102 elite male athletes training at the Australian Institute of Sport.
A data frame with 102 rows and two columns:
- Skinfold
Skin-fold thicknesses measured using calipers
- Bodyfat
Percentage of fat content in the body
Data collected by Dr R. Telford who was working for the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat")
plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat")
plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat")
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # draws four plots in a graph
plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat")
plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat")
plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat")
plot(1:5, 1:5, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", type="n")
text(2, 2, "Log both X and Y")
text(2, 1, "To have the best plot")
# Keep the transformed variables in the data set
bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold)
bodyfat$logbfat <- log(bodyfat$Bodyfat)
bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold)
# Create a grouped variable
bodyfat$cutskin <- cut(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), breaks=6)
boxplot(data=bodyfat, Bodyfat~cutskin, col=2:7)
p2 <- ggplot(data=bodyfat, aes(x=cutskin, y=logbfat)) +
geom_boxplot(col=2:7) +
stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line", aes(group=1), col="blue", linewidth=1) +
labs(x="Skinfold", y="Percentage of log bodyfat",
title="Boxplot of log-bodyfat percentage vs grouped log-skinfold")
n <- nrow(bodyfat)
x <- bodyfat$logskin
y <- bodyfat$logbfat
xbar <- mean(x)
ybar <- mean(y)
sx2 <- var(x)
sy2 <- var(y)
sxy <- cov(x, y)
r <- cor(x, y)
print(list(n=n, xbar=xbar, ybar=ybar, sx2=sx2, sy2=sy2, sxy=sxy, r=r))
hatbeta1 <- r * sqrt(sy2/sx2) # calculates estimate of the slope
hatbeta0 <- ybar - hatbeta1 * xbar # calculates estimate of the intercept
rs <- y - hatbeta0 - hatbeta1 * x # calculates residuals
s2 <- sum(rs^2)/(n-2) # calculates estimate of sigma2
bfat.lm <- lm(logbfat ~ logskin, data=bodyfat)
### Check the diagnostics
plot(bfat.lm$fit, bfat.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals")
### Should be a random scatter
qqnorm(bfat.lm$res, col=2)
qqline(bfat.lm$res, col="blue")
# All Points should be on the straight line
plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat")
abline(bfat.lm, col=7)
title("Scatter plot with the fitted Linear Regression line")
# 95% CI for beta(1)
# 0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479
# round(0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479, 2)
# To test H0: beta1 = 1.
tstat <- (0.88225 -1)/0.02479
pval <- 2 * (1- pt(abs(tstat), df=100))
x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=500)
y <- dt(x, df=100)
plot(x, y, xlab="", ylab="", type="l")
title("T-density with df=100")
x1 <- seq(from=abs(tstat), to=10, length=100)
y1 <- rep(0, length=100)
x2 <- x1
y2 <- dt(x1, df=100)
segments(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# Predict at a new value of Skinfold=70
# Create a new data set called new
newx <- data.frame(logskin=log(70))
a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx,
# Confidence interval for the mean of log bodyfat at skinfold=70
a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="confidence")
# a
# fit lwr upr
# [1,] 2.498339 2.474198 2.52248
# Prediction interval for a future log bodyfat at skinfold=70
a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="prediction")
# fit lwr upr
# [1,] 2.498339 2.333783 2.662895
#prediction intervals for the mean
pred.bfat.clim <- predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="confidence")
#prediction intervals for future observation
pred.bfat.plim <- suppressWarnings(predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="prediction"))
plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat")
abline(bfat.lm, col=5)
lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,2], lty=2, col=2)
lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,3], lty=2, col=2)
lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,2], lty=4, col=3)
lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,3], lty=4, col=3)
title("Scatter plot with the fitted line and prediction intervals")
symb <- c("Fitted line", "95% CI for mean", "95% CI for observation")
## legend(locator(1), legend = symb, lty = c(1, 2, 4), col = c(5, 2, 3))
# Shows where we predicted earlier