nuclidesR Documentation

Nuclide data


The nuclides dataset contains information on all known nuclides, providing data on nuclear structure and decay modes across 118 elements. There is data here on natural abundances, atomic mass, spin, half-life, and more. The typical users for such a dataset include researchers in fields such as nuclear physics, radiochemistry, and nuclear medicine.




A tibble with 3,383 rows and 29 variables:


The symbol for the nuclide.

z, n

The number of protons and neutrons.


The element symbol.

radius, radius_uncert

The charge radius and its associated uncertainty. In units of fm.

abundance, abundance_uncert

The abundance of the stable isotope as a mole fraction (in relation to other stable isotopes of the same element). Values are provided for the nuclide only if is_stable is TRUE.


Is the nuclide a stable isotope?

half_life, half_life_uncert

The nuclide's half life represented as seconds.


The isospin, or the quantum number related to the up and down quark content of the particle.

decay_1, decay_2, decay_3

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd decay modes.

decay_1_pct, decay_1_pct_uncert, decay_2_pct, decay_2_pct_uncert, decay_3_pct, decay_3_pct_uncert

The branching proportions for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd decays (along with uncertainty values).

magnetic_dipole, magnetic_dipole_uncert

The magnetic dipole and its associated uncertainty. Expressed in units of micro N, or nuclear magneton values.

electric_quadrupole, electric_quadrupole_uncert

The electric quadrupole and its associated uncertainty. In units of barn (b).

atomic_mass, atomic_mass_uncert

The atomic mass and its associated uncertainty. In units of micro AMU.

mass_excess, mass_excess_uncert

The mass excess and its associated uncertainty. In units of keV.

Dataset ID and Badge


This image of that of a dataset badge.

Dataset Introduced

v0.11.0 (July 9, 2024)

See Also

Other datasets: constants, countrypops, exibble, films, gibraltar, gtcars, illness, metro, peeps, photolysis, pizzaplace, reactions, rx_addv, rx_adsl, sp500, sza, towny

