police_killings | R Documentation |
Where Police Have Killed Americans In 2015
The raw data behind the story "Where Police Have Killed Americans In 2015" https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/where-police-have-killed-americans-in-2015/.
A data frame with 467 rows representing People who died from interactions with police and 34 variables:
- name
Name of deceased
- age
Age of deceased
- gender
Gender of deceased
- raceethnicity
Race/ethnicity of deceased
- month
Month of killing
- day
Day of incident
- year
Year of incident
- streetaddress
Address/intersection where incident occurred
- city
City where incident occurred
- state
State where incident occurred
- latitude
Latitude, geocoded from address
- longitude
Longitude, geocoded from address
- state_fp
State FIPS code
- county_fp
County FIPS code
- tract_ce
Tract ID code
- geo_id
Combined tract ID code
- county_id
Combined county ID code
- namelsad
Tract description
- lawenforcementagency
Agency involved in incident
- cause
Cause of death
- armed
How/whether deceased was armed
- pop
Tract population
- share_white
Share of pop that is non-Hispanic white
- share_black
Share of pop that is black (alone, not in combination)
- share_hispanic
Share of pop that is Hispanic/Latino (any race)
- p_income
Tract-level median personal income
- h_income
Tract-level median household income
- county_income
County-level median household income
- comp_income
'h_income' / 'county_income'
- county_bucket
Household income, quintile within county
- nat_bucket
Household income, quintile nationally
- pov
Tract-level poverty rate (official)
- urate
Tract-level unemployment rate
- college
Share of 25+ pop with BA or higher
See https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/tree/master/police-killings