drug_use | R Documentation |
How Baby Boomers Get High
The raw data behind the story "How Baby Boomers Get High" https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-baby-boomers-get-high/. It covers usage of 13 drugs in the past 12 months across 17 age groups.
A data frame with 17 rows representing age groups and 28 variables:
- age
Age group
- n
Number of people surveyed
- alcohol_use
Percentage who used alcohol
- alcohol_freq
Median number of times a user used alcohol
- marijuana_use
Percentage who used marijuana
- marijuana_freq
Median number of times a user used marijuana
- cocaine_use
Percentage who used cocaine
- cocaine_freq
Median number of times a user used cocaine
- crack_use
Percentage who used crack
- crack_freq
Median number of times a user used crack
- heroin_use
Percentage who used heroin
- heroin_freq
Median number of times a user used heroin
- hallucinogen_use
Percentage who used hallucinogens
- hallucinogen_freq
Median number of times a user used hallucinogens
- inhalant_use
Percentage who used inhalants
- inhalant_freq
Median number of times a user used inhalants
- pain_releiver_use
Percentage who used pain relievers
- pain_releiver_freq
Median number of times a user used pain relievers
- oxycontin_use
Percentage who used oxycontin
- oxycontin_freq
Median number of times a user used oxycontin
- tranquilizer_use
Percentage who used tranquilizer
- tranquilizer_freq
Median number of times a user used tranquilizer
- stimulant_use
Percentage who used stimulants
- stimulant_freq
Median number of times a user used stimulants
- meth_use
Percentage who used meth
- meth_freq
Median number of times a user used meth
- sedative_use
Percentage who used sedatives
- sedative_freq
Median number of times a user used sedatives
National Survey on Drug Use and Health from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/SAMHDA/index.html.
# To convert data frame to tidy data (long) format, run:
use <- drug_use %>%
select(age, n, ends_with("_use")) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(age, n), names_to = "drug", values_to = "use") %>%
mutate(drug = str_sub(drug, start=1, end=-5))
freq <- drug_use %>%
select(age, n, ends_with("_freq")) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(age, n), names_to = "drug", values_to = "freq") %>%
mutate(drug = str_sub(drug, start=1, end=-6))
drug_use_tidy <- left_join(x=use, y=freq, by = c("age", "n", "drug")) %>%