Medicaid1986 | R Documentation |
Medicaid Utilization Data
Cross-section data originating from the 1986 Medicaid Consumer Survey. The data comprise two groups of Medicaid eligibles at two sites in California (Santa Barbara and Ventura counties): a group enrolled in a managed care demonstration program and a fee-for-service comparison group of non-enrollees.
A data frame containing 996 observations on 14 variables.
- visits
Number of doctor visits.
- exposure
Length of observation period for ambulatory care (days).
- children
Total number of children in the household.
- age
Age of the respondent.
- income
Annual household income (average of income range in million USD).
- health1
The first principal component (divided by 1000) of three health-status variables: functional limitations, acute conditions, and chronic conditions.
- health2
The second principal component (divided by 1000) of three health-status variables: functional limitations, acute conditions, and chronic conditions.
- access
Availability of health services (0 = low access, 1 = high access).
- married
Factor. Is the individual married?
- gender
Factor indicating gender.
- ethnicity
Factor indicating ethnicity (
).- school
Number of years completed in school.
- enroll
Factor. Is the individual enrolled in a demonstration program?
- program
Factor indicating the managed care demonstration program: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (
) or non-institutionalized Supplementary Security Income ("ssi"
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive.
Gurmu, S. (1997). Semi-Parametric Estimation of Hurdle Regression Models with an Application to Medicaid Utilization. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 12, 225–242.
## data and packages
## scale regressors
Medicaid1986$age2 <- Medicaid1986$age^2 / 100
Medicaid1986$school <- Medicaid1986$school / 10
Medicaid1986$income <- Medicaid1986$income / 10
## subsets
afdc <- subset(Medicaid1986, program == "afdc")[, c(1, 3:4, 15, 5:9, 11:13)]
ssi <- subset(Medicaid1986, program == "ssi")[, c(1, 3:4, 15, 5:13)]
## Gurmu (1997):
## Table VI., Poisson and negbin models
afdc_pois <- glm(visits ~ ., data = afdc, family = poisson)
coeftest(afdc_pois, vcov = sandwich)
afdc_nb <- glm.nb(visits ~ ., data = afdc)
ssi_pois <- glm(visits ~ ., data = ssi, family = poisson)
ssi_nb <- glm.nb(visits ~ ., data = ssi)
## Table VII., Hurdle models (without semi-parametric effects)
afdc_hurdle <- hurdle(visits ~ . | . - access, data = afdc, dist = "negbin")
ssi_hurdle <- hurdle(visits ~ . | . - access, data = ssi, dist = "negbin")
## Table VIII., Observed and expected frequencies
Observed = table(afdc$visits)[1:8],
Poisson = sapply(0:7, function(x) sum(dpois(x, fitted(afdc_pois)))),
Negbin = sapply(0:7, function(x) sum(dnbinom(x, mu = fitted(afdc_nb), size = afdc_nb$theta))),
Hurdle = colSums(predict(afdc_hurdle, type = "prob")[,1:8])
)/nrow(afdc), digits = 3) * 100
Observed = table(ssi$visits)[1:8],
Poisson = sapply(0:7, function(x) sum(dpois(x, fitted(ssi_pois)))),
Negbin = sapply(0:7, function(x) sum(dnbinom(x, mu = fitted(ssi_nb), size = ssi_nb$theta))),
Hurdle = colSums(predict(ssi_hurdle, type = "prob")[,1:8])
)/nrow(ssi), digits = 3) * 100