HousePrices | R Documentation |
House Prices in the City of Windsor, Canada
Sales prices of houses sold in the city of Windsor, Canada, during July, August and September, 1987.
A data frame containing 546 observations on 12 variables.
- price
Sale price of a house.
- lotsize
Lot size of a property in square feet.
- bedrooms
Number of bedrooms.
- bathrooms
Number of full bathrooms.
- stories
Number of stories excluding basement.
- driveway
Factor. Does the house have a driveway?
- recreation
Factor. Does the house have a recreational room?
- fullbase
Factor. Does the house have a full finished basement?
- gasheat
Factor. Does the house use gas for hot water heating?
- aircon
Factor. Is there central air conditioning?
- garage
Number of garage places.
- prefer
Factor. Is the house located in the preferred neighborhood of the city?
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive.
Anglin, P., and Gencay, R. (1996). Semiparametric Estimation of a Hedonic Price Function. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11, 633–648.
Verbeek, M. (2004). A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
### Anglin + Gencay (1996), Table II
fm_ag <- lm(log(price) ~ driveway + recreation + fullbase + gasheat +
aircon + garage + prefer + log(lotsize) + log(bedrooms) +
log(bathrooms) + log(stories), data = HousePrices)
### Anglin + Gencay (1996), Table III
fm_ag2 <- lm(log(price) ~ driveway + recreation + fullbase + gasheat +
aircon + garage + prefer + log(lotsize) + bedrooms +
bathrooms + stories, data = HousePrices)
### Verbeek (2004), Table 3.1
fm <- lm(log(price) ~ log(lotsize) + bedrooms + bathrooms + aircon, data = HousePrices)
### Verbeek (2004), Table 3.2
fm_ext <- lm(log(price) ~ . - lotsize + log(lotsize), data = HousePrices)
### Verbeek (2004), Table 3.3
fm_lin <- lm(price ~ . , data = HousePrices)