Guns | R Documentation |
More Guns, Less Crime?
Guns is a balanced panel of data on 50 US states, plus the District of Columbia (for a total of 51 states), by year for 1977–1999.
A data frame containing 1,173 observations on 13 variables.
- state
factor indicating state.
- year
factor indicating year.
- violent
violent crime rate (incidents per 100,000 members of the population).
- murder
murder rate (incidents per 100,000).
- robbery
robbery rate (incidents per 100,000).
- prisoners
incarceration rate in the state in the previous year (sentenced prisoners per 100,000 residents; value for the previous year).
- afam
percent of state population that is African-American, ages 10 to 64.
- cauc
percent of state population that is Caucasian, ages 10 to 64.
- male
percent of state population that is male, ages 10 to 29.
- population
state population, in millions of people.
- income
real per capita personal income in the state (US dollars).
- density
population per square mile of land area, divided by 1,000.
- law
factor. Does the state have a shall carry law in effect in that year?
Each observation is a given state in a given year. There are a total of 51 states times 23 years = 1,173 observations.
Online complements to Stock and Watson (2007).
Ayres, I., and Donohue, J.J. (2003). Shooting Down the ‘More Guns Less Crime’ Hypothesis. Stanford Law Review, 55, 1193–1312.
Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W. (2007). Introduction to Econometrics, 2nd ed. Boston: Addison Wesley.
See Also
## data
## visualization
xyplot(log(violent) ~ as.numeric(as.character(year)) | state, data = Guns, type = "l")
## Stock & Watson (2007), Empirical Exercise 10.1, pp. 376--377
fm1 <- lm(log(violent) ~ law, data = Guns)
coeftest(fm1, vcov = sandwich)
fm2 <- lm(log(violent) ~ law + prisoners + density + income +
population + afam + cauc + male, data = Guns)
coeftest(fm2, vcov = sandwich)
fm3 <- lm(log(violent) ~ law + prisoners + density + income +
population + afam + cauc + male + state, data = Guns)
printCoefmat(coeftest(fm3, vcov = sandwich)[1:9,])
fm4 <- lm(log(violent) ~ law + prisoners + density + income +
population + afam + cauc + male + state + year, data = Guns)
printCoefmat(coeftest(fm4, vcov = sandwich)[1:9,])